Naked Short selling is still a problem. Like a fox guarding the hen house, it should be no surprise that favoritism and abuse are enabled by a lack of enforcement by the SEC.
The longer negative exposure remains, even if totally unfounded, the more your reputation can be damaged, and the more difficult the effort needed for reversal.
"You are Miracle Workers! You got me my substantial sum of money back in one day when I have spent almost 17 years without any success. More people need to hear about your work. Thank you so much, US~Observer!"
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) took over five years to bring action against a broker-dealer that aided a hedge fund illegally shorting NASDAQ listed companies.
Cyber threats lurk daily, potentially jeopardizing a company's reputation, finances, and customer trust. Learn what to do, and when to call the US~Observer for help.
The US Government successfully, yet wrongly, convicted Michael Quiel on one charge (Quiel was found not guilty on everything else) - the government lied during testimony to get the jury to believe them. Now, the government wants Tax Money it was never owed.
Prosecutorial immunity was designed to protect prosecutors from unwarranted civil lawsuits. Now immunity is abused and allows prosecutors unbridled power over people's lives, especially the innocent.
The US~Observer has received a detailed complaint against Arizona attorneys Oksana Holder, Monica Limón-Wynn, and more recently Stephen R. Smith along with other alleged co-conspirators. According to the complaint, “their entire motive was to enrich themselves and use their...
Zane Crowder sits in prison, held on a life sentence, plus 25 years all because of an accusation. There was no physical / medical proof of there having been a crime committed.
82-year-old Snick Lee was reportedly out on a morning walk in his slippers, when his much younger neighbor, Jay Moon, allegedly punched him in the side of the head...
Michael Quiel was wrongly put in prison for filing incorrect tax forms, even though it was determined he owed NO taxes - ZERO! Now, he got good news in his civil suit against those who wronged him.
Latest Ruling Proves Judge / System Doesn’t Care for Child’s Safety. Federal Civil Suit Filed for Eight Years of Systemic Abuse, Seeks Protection for Child.
If you want your own concession trailer (food truck) then we have the perfect fit for you - the Vintege all stainless-steel concession trailer by VMI, LLC.