US~Observer Helps Settle Contentious Divorce
By Joseph Snook
Investigative Reporter

David Coley
Moscow, Idaho – A forty-one-year marriage between David Coley and Lara Mallory (formerly Coley) ended on Oct. 19, 2009. David found himself deeply saddened by the impact of the horrific actions that led to his divorce. David and Lara had three children during what David initially thought to be a great marriage. Unfortunately, the person David thought he was spending the rest of his life with was no longer the person he’d fallen for. Lara had done the unthinkable, according to multiple witnesses – she’d had, “multiple affairs. She lied about David to get a fraudulent protection order. She got into fights at bars. She started taking drugs and more… Much more.”
Perhaps the most shocking of all is the time taken to enforce the divorce decree. Going on nine years since being separated, the court has yet to enforce its order. Even though Lara is still living in the home, David has been in default on the mortgage that is in his name because Lara has failed to pay the loan on time. David was left to wonder, “will the court ever throw Lara out? Will I be able to buy my own place? I can’t right now. Because of that loan, she’s held me (financially) hostage for almost nine years, negatively impacting my credit!”
The divorce was finalized on August 3, 2010. The court order spelled out everything that was to happen. Lara would get the house that David financed in his name. David would get nothing from the home except his personal belongings. Further, Lara had ninety-days to refinance or sell the home, removing David from the loan.
Unfortunately, David didn’t even get many of his costly possessions. When he went to get them, “Lara hit my vehicle with her fist, then called 911 and blamed me (David) for attempted assault,” according to David. He was then arrested, and Lara successfully obtained a protection order barring David from coming back. The charges were bogus according to a person who was raised by Lara; her own son. Fortunately for David, the prosecutor declined to prosecute the frivolous charges. To this day, David has never been convicted of a crime. He’s a stand-up guy according to several people in his community.
Damning Letter from Lara’s Son
In a letter written to this reporter, Lara’s son stated life was normal as a child. Then, once he was old enough to understand right from wrong, things changed. He continued, “My mom started working for a local gas station in Potlach and she became what I thought was friends with a guy that worked across the street who worked at the Grainery named Ron. I thought they were just friends until Ron and my mom took us sledding. I got cold, went back to the vehicle early and caught them wrestling around in the backseat. I was old enough to understand what was going on and I lost a lot of respect for her that day.” Then, David found out. His son continued, “He welcomed her back with open arms… Everything went back to normal for a couple years until my mom started working for the Hill Crest Motel where she started having an affair with a gentleman that lived there. Now, I think back about those days and wonder if she had any (other) affairs while my dad and I took trips to Utah…” He continued, “What was a shock to me was she got a protection order against him,” after the divorce. “While growing up never once did I see my dad raise his voice to her let alone be physically aggressive, he always did what she told him to do.” He continued by stating David never spanked us kids. Her own son finished his letter by stating, “She caused him a great deal of emotional pain and suffering.”
Almost Nine Years Later
Over the years, David ended up spending thousands on attorney fees. He’d been through at least three attorneys – all for the purpose of trying to finalize his divorce. He’d go to court and the nonsense would continue. Having no clue why, coupled with being very let down by the legal system, David received a much-needed referral from a friend. Next, David contacted the US~Observer Newspaper.

Recent photo of the “dilapidated” property. Lara has not cleaned it as court-ordered.
Within four months of contracting the US~Observer, Lara was court ordered to vacate the home by midnight on March 15, 2018. David was provided complete control of the home from that time moving forward, until it is sold. He was given full control of choosing what Realtor to use, and his Realtor will choose the sales price. Furthermore, David and one of his children will be paid $15 per hour each to clean up the property, should it not be clean enough to sell upon taking control. In the past, the home has been completely trashed according to several people. Now, David is finally about to see the end of this nightmare divorce. He remains a little skeptical because there has been nine years of stalling techniques allowed by the court.
Moving On

Latah County, Idaho Courthouse
From “cheating” (sex with multiple other men), to, “caught by police with drugs,” Lara has allegedly done it all. There’s also been, “false criminal allegations” against David, coupled with nearly nine years passing without eviction (90 days after divorce) or enforcement of the court’s order! Lara has caused David much grief, and his credit to suffer, by putting the mortgage into default. She has also failed to return David’s personal property. Not only did she wrong David, she’s made a mockery of the Idaho Judicial System to which she has been held in contempt.
Those with the power to end this would be very wise to prepare an eviction notice, holding Lara accountable if she fails to vacate the home on March 15.
We would like to thank Attorney Doug Mushlitz for his recent work on behalf of Mr. Coley.
It is our hope that Judge John Judge will do the right thing and give David his life back by enforcing his order, the courts order.
Editor’s Note: The US~Observer will be publishing further on this case as it moves forward. Logon to for updates.