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Wyoming Truck Incident – Information Appeal
Albany County, WY – On March 22, 2010 a traffic incident took place on a Wyoming Highway. Four trucks were involved; a JB Hunt truck driven by Michael G. Simms; a First Interstate truck driven by Joseph L. Gallant; a Prime Inc. truck driven Michael A. Eaton; and a truck driven by Milton “Mick” Knudson.

Mick Knudson
Knudson was issued citations for the incident and on July 15, 2010, having pled innocent, Knudson went to court to prove his innocence, or so he thought. View “Truck Driver Injustice in Wyoming” for the history of this case.
During Knudson’s trial Eaton testified while Simms testified telephonically. Knudson objected to the telephonic testimony, however his Attorney Bert Ahlstrom had already agreed to allow it. Gallant did not appear to testify.
Mick Knudson appealed his case and is still adamant more than two years after the incident that he was innocent of Reckless Diving – one of the charges of which he was found guilty. Knudson claims that those who testified against him in court gave different testimony in trial than they did at the scene of the incident. The record in Knudson’s case substantiates this. Knudson also claims that his attorney provided ineffective assistance of counsel. The record also substantiates this claim by Knudson.
The US~Observer asks Simms, Gallant and Eaton to come forward. Call us and set the record straight. Did Albany Prosecuting Attorney Joshua Merseal enhance or alter the testimony of Simms and Eaton before they testified at trial? Does Joseph Gallant have a different story to tell?
Be responsible and call Edward Snook at 541-474-7885.