Judge Ronald Grensky – Criminal in a Black Robe
Jackson County, OR – The US~Observer has been investigating Judge Ronald Grensky for the past year due to numerous emotional and substantial complaints we have received, along with his presiding over the the Christi MacLaren case.
Our preliminary findings are shocking to say the least.
Judge Ronald Grensky – A Common Criminal Ruling from the Bench!

Criminal judge places young girl in jeopardy!
According to the US~Observer’s Head of Investigations and Editor-in-Chief, Edward Snook, “We have received 11 case specific complaints against Grensky. Each one has accused him of varying levels of judicial bias; prejudice; being extremely rude to litigants during trials; lying during trials, making mocking comments to litigants and witnesses during judicial hearings, and on and on.”
Snook continued, “I personally took on the Christi MacLaren case and have watched this judge very carefully. In my 33 years of watching judges during trials, some good, some bad, Grensky is by far the worst judge I have ever encountered. The only description I can find that is applicable to this depraved human is that he is an absolute Criminal, ruling from the bench in a Medford, Oregon courtroom.”
As a family law judge, Grensky is factually ruining both children and families. (Read the reviews on him at the Robing Room! – ) In the MacLaren case, he has ignored evidence while literally leveling false allegations against an innocent and abused Mother. In an “Opinion” ruling on the MacLaren case which he issued on August 11, 2017, he repeatedly lied and made statements about Christi MacLaren that were completely false and not based on any factual evidence presented in this case.

Bad Dad – admitted drug user gets custody of daughter.
Grensky ignored the fact that MacLaren’s ex-boyfriend Sean Lenzo had admitted taking dangerous drugs during a deposition. On May 10, 2016, when questioned under oath, Lenzo admitted to his extensive use of drugs. He stated, “I was addicted to meth and cocaine.” When asked if he had used other drugs, Lenzo stated, “I did them all, but those were the only two that I was extremely addicted to.” When asked if he had used Heroin, his response was, “I couldn’t stand the stuff.” Sean Lenzo admits to currently smoking marijuana weekly – “maybe two, three times a week in the evenings.”
Lenzo’s criminal activity, dating back to when he turned 18, is quite extensive, showing that he has received numerous drug related charges, including manufacturing and possession. Lenzo has spent time living at Chinook Park, and the Grants Pass Homeless Shelters. Much of the time that Lenzo was using drugs and was basically a vagrant, Christi MacLaren was caring for, financially supporting, and loving their daughter. Lenzo is reportedly over $10,000.00 behind in child support payments.
Christi Maclaren Suffers Judicial Abuse From Judge Ronald Grensky

Christi MacLaren was the only individual concerned with her daughter receiving the judge’s ordered counseling. Grensky ignored this among many other things in his ruling.
On the other hand – we find nothing incriminating about Christi MacLaren.

Sean Lenzo’s Attorney, Jamie Hazlett
Grensky has failed to protect MacLaren’s young daughter after hearing shocking testimony from experts about Sean Lenzo, the Father. The US~Observer will be watching this young girl carefully in the years to come simply because one corrupt judge and a small group of conscienceless people have placed her at risk. Edward Snook recently stated, “God help them all if this precious little girl is damaged any more than she has already been!”
Apart from being an abusive bully, the only motive we can find for Grensky to conduct himself as he has, is that he has a special relationship with certain attorneys. One witness we recently spoke with stated, “Grensky has a connection to Attorney Jamie Hazlett and a couple other attorneys as well.” We are currently investigating this terrible judge’s motives.
Judicial Fitness Commission Does Nothing
There appears to be no remedy within the legal system in Oregon for correcting Grensky’s severe abuse. People have complained to the Oregon Judicial Fitness Commission about Grensky’s insane antics and rulings to no avail.
The only possible way to correct this mad-man’s actions is for the US~Observer to take the Grensky problem head on. We have already made our decision to do exactly this.

Christi MacLaren’s ex-attorney, Samantha Malloy.
The US~Observer strongly recommends that any person who has Grensky appointed to their case to immediately recuse this deplorable judge or accept the consequences, which could be devastating to them.
For what it is worth, our advice to the judiciary in Oregon is to get rid of Grensky, due to the fact that he is making all of them look extremely bad, especially other Jackson County judges.
On August 14, 2017 Judge Grensky ruled that Christi Maclaren’s attorney Samantha Malloy could withdraw from her case, leaving her without an attorney. Any decent attorney would have railed Judge Grensky for lying in his written Opinion on this case, but not Samantha Malloy – she tucked her tail and ran.
Despite deserving sole custody, Christi MacLaren was only awarded nearly fifty-percent. Yes, she will most likely appeal even though she currently has no legal counsel.
But what about Lenzo, who Judge Grensky sided heavily with in his opinion? He’s now published a compromising video of his 7 year-old daughter on the internet. Grensky’s poster parent, Lenzo, was previously accused of sexual abuse, which Grensky didn’t buy. Now, with Lenzo posting this video showing his own child’s breasts, perhaps the judge’s opinion will change. Regardless, it goes to show that Lenzo doesn’t have good sense when it comes to being a parent, and potentially much, much more…
We will be publishing a complete write-up on the MacLaren case in the near future wherein we will give a complete accounting of all participants. Some of them will be shocked to see their dirty laundry made public.
Update: According to public information found, Dishonorable Ronald Grensky was previously found guilty of violating Oregon’s election laws. Grensky was fined $741.00 for the illegal election violation. Perhaps our sources were correct when they recently stated, “Gresnky has decided to forego running for another term as judge.” Grensky should be concerned – very concerned. Furthermore, with Grensky’s lack of judicial knowledge, and equally atrocious, his horrific behavior, its no wonder why this man has decided to quit. Spend a day in court with Grensky and you’ll see the man who ruins innocent people, without justification.
Editor’s Note: Anyone with information on Judge Ronald Grensky, Sean Lenzo, Jamie Hazlett or Samantha Malloy is urged to contact Edward Snook at 541-474-7885 or by email to editor@usobserver.com.