DA John Foote Covers for Meth-Psycho
Meth-Psycho Punches Deputy in the Head!
Clackamas County, OR – After suffering through two mistrials, coupled with twenty-four (24) grueling and long months of being accused of a crime he absolutely didn’t commit, Executive Chef Timothy Tignor is finally receiving justice, publicly.

DA John S. Foote
In October of 2017, after Clackamas County District Attorney (DA) John Foote’s second, failed attempt to prosecute Tignor, the US~Observer began its investigation.
Tignor was charged with 1st Degree Sex Abuse in March of 2016, and what we have discovered is shocking to say the least.
Tignor’s accuser, 49-year-old Dianna Bennett has a history of accusing men of crimes during “Meth-induced psychosis” and/or episodes of drinking alcohol. Clackamas County District Attorney John Foote successfully prosecuted two men in 2017, due to allegations made against them by Bennett.
Our investigators have found allegations and confessions of Bennett’s severe alcohol and drug use dating back over a decade. Let’s list just a few of the examples: A 2009, Clackamas County Sheriff’s Report states, “Mr. Bennett (Dianna Bennett’s ex-husband) told me [his daughter’s] Mother is an alcoholic and has a history of using drugs.” Another 2009, Cad Report states, “Domestic Disturbance between Ms. Bennett and her 20-year-old daughter.” And yet another 2009, Report states, “Suicide attempt where Ms. Bennett had been drinking and had taken 20 Xanax.”
Tignor would have been Bennett and Foote’s 3rd victim if it weren’t for two mistrials, caused by Foote’s spoiled, deceitful, yet incompetent, “Golden Child,” Assistant District Attorney Sarah Dumont.
Meth-User Dianna Bennett Assaults Sheriff’s Deputy Nate Ariel
The information above about Bennett pales in comparison to Bennett’s Disorderly/Harassment arrest on August 15, 2017, which was the fifth of six Domestic Violence calls to her residence last year. In each instance, alcohol and meth were alleged and or admitted to.
Clackamas County Deputy Sheriff Tyler Alexander writes in his report that he and Deputy Nate Ariel were called to Bennett’s apartment where a reported “verbal and physical fight” was taking place. Alexander states, “I heard Deputy Ariel say over the radio, Bennett had removed the screen from the back window and was screaming for help.”
Deputy Alexander continues, “He (Deputy Ariel) knocked and announced Sheriff’s Office. I heard a female voice respond, F_ _ _ you, you aren’t coming in here. Deputy Ariel stated she needed to open the door or we would kick it in. Bennett opened the door wearing only a t-shirt which was inside out and backwards. Deputy Ariel asked her where Jarvis was and she responded by saying, F_ _ _ you… She immediately spun around and punched Deputy Ariel from behind in the right side of his head near his ear. She punched him with a right closed fist.”
Later in Alexander’s report he makes the following statements, “I asked her if she understood her rights and she said, You killed my sister, I know… Based on my training and experience she appeared to be under the influence of methamphetamine… On the way to the jail she told me she had used meth the night before… She was placed in a solitary cell and immediately stripped off her clothes and started screaming.” (Read the police reports here.)
It is impossible to understand how a person who obviously drinks in excess, uses meth to the point where she goes into a psychosis, accuses a Sheriff’s Deputy of “killing her sister,” and falsely accuses a citizen of sex abuse when an eye witness states it didn’t happen, can be running around in public.
John Foote Refuses to Prosecute Bennett
The police reports regarding Bennett’s Disorderly Conduct and her Felony Assault on a Police Officer were sent to the Clackamas County District Attorney’s Office.
District Attorney John Foote sent a letter to the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office on September 15, 2017, stating his reasons for not prosecuting Bennett (read letter here).
We have concluded that Tignor’s prosecutor Sarah Dumont was most likely responsible for sweeping Bennett’s Assault on a Clackamas County Sheriff’s Deputy under the proverbial carpet. Dumont has shown she is hell-bent on not losing the Tignor case and it’s hard to believe that Foote would actually write the “Decision Not to Prosecute” letter that his office sent. If he did condone the letter, John Foote is a clear and present danger to all in Clackamas County, Oregon, given the powerful position he holds…
We will be reporting in the near future whether or not John Foote condones the assault of a police officer by a drunken, “certifiably crazy meth-head.”
This insanity is the very reason this writer believes there is often a great need to take cases into the court of public opinion as well as the court room.
If prosecutors like Sarah Dumont had their way, the almost unbelievable statements made by Deputy Alexander would never reach the ears of jurors; the jury would be deceived, and Dumont would simply continue her long record of convictions.

Dianna Bennett
More Damning Information on Bennett’s False Allegations Against Tignor
While processing the Tignor false Sex Abuse case, Milwaukie, Oregon Police Detective Crystal Hill interviewed Dianna Bennett. In the interview Bennett appears to either be on meth or she has a meth hangover (view the video).
Another very telling piece of evidence is the original Bennett call to 911. On the recording you can clearly hear Mr. Tignor ask, “What are you doing? Why are you doing this?” Most people would have said the same thing if some delusional meth-head started yelling at them on the street for no reason.
911 Audio:
Considering all the damning evidence in this case against Dianna Bennett, I’m sure Timothy Tignor encountered the same Bennett that Clackamas County Sheriff’s Deputies encountered throughout 2017, and before, on the day he was falsely accused by her, then falsely arrested and then falsely prosecuted on two separate occasions by Clackamas County Assistant District attorney Sarah Dumont.
District Attorney John Foote needs to act on this corruption and put a stop to it or he needs to find another job!
Editor’s Note: Anyone with information on any of the participants in this case are urged to contact Edward Snook at 541-474-7885 or email him at editor@usobserver.com.