Jailed WA Man Maintains Innocence
Information Sought in David Sarazin’s Case
By US~Observer Staff

David Sarazin
Twisp, WA – David Lee Sarazin, 36, formerly of Twisp, WA, is fighting for his freedom as he sits in the Okanogan County Jail. Sarazin had a new life when he was picked up in Anoka, MN on January 11, 2020, on a national felony warrant issued by the Okanogan Superior Court. David Sarazin maintains he is innocent and alleges the accusations of sex abuse of a minor are false and were a way to thwart his attempt at obtaining custody of his son in 2013.
There is no denying that Sarazin failed to appear in Court for a hearing on September 22, 2014. Why did he make the decision to jump bail? Afterall, Sarazin did not have a criminal history. Could there be underlying factors that led him to make that decision?

Kuirsten Louise Pilkinton
Sarazin may have been at wits end trying to defend himself. Upon his initial release from jail on January 14, 2014, he spent the next eight months attending court hearings. Sarazin claims he had major communication issues with his public defender, Attorney Melissa MacDougall. Sarazin claims that alleged victim, Kuirsten Pilkinton would see his vehicle around town and follow it, laughing. He was fearful that she would cause the No Contact Order in place against him to be violated which would send him back to jail. Sarazin concluded that he was being railroaded into spending the rest of his life in prison.
This realization combined with his family’s history with the criminal justice system may have led him to make the most difficult decision in his life; he failed to appear for the September 22, 2014, hearing which caused Judge Christopher Culp to issue a bench warrant. This decision also forced Sarazin to reconcile with the fact that he was leaving his son behind; the son he was reportedly trying so hard to protect from his “mother’s mental health issues, violent tendencies and substance abuse.” Sarazin rolled the dice and was on the run with a felony warrant hanging over his head. According to an Okanogan County Investigative Report, an expanded nationwide felony arrest warrant was issued for David Lee Sarazin from Okanogan Superior Court on December 2, 2014.

Cindy Pilkinton-Hicks, the mother of David Sarazin’s accuser
According to a police report by Twisp Police Officer Ty Sheehan dated May 24, 2011, Cindy Pilkinton, now Hicks, made a complaint alleging her daughter, Kuirsten Louise Pilkinton, was communicating with Sarazin via social media, text and phone. At the time, Kuirsten Pilkinton was 13 and Sarazin was 26 years old. Officer Sheehan reported that Cindy Pilkinton stated, “she was having issues with her daughter lying, coming home late, leaving without permission and going places without permission.” Officer Sheehan reported that he spoke with Sarazin on May 19, 2011, and “warned him not to contact or receive communication from Kuirsten Pilkinton.” Sarazin was advised of Kuirsten’s age and was informed that if communication continued, Cindy would seek a protection order on behalf of her daughter. Officer Sheehan wrote in the report that “There does not appear to be any criminal activity at this point.” The US~Observer did not find that an anti-harassment/protection order was ever granted in the court. Officer Sheehan called the phone number that Cindy Pilkinton provided but found the number disconnected.
There is no law enforcement activity, either by the Twisp Police Department or the Okanogan County Sheriff, with the original complaint made to the Twisp Police Department from May 20, 2011, until two years later when Okanogan County Sheriff’s Deputy Laura Wright spoke with Chief Paul Budrow about interviewing a victim of a sexual assault. According to her report dated July 9, 2013, Deputy Wright states the mother of the alleged victim, Cindy [Pilkinton] Hicks, had previously requested that Deputy Wright interview her daughter, Kuirsten Pilkinton. Chief Budrow set up a date and time of July 17, 2013, shortly after Kuirsten Pilkinton’s 16th birthday.

Former Deputy Laura Wright
Why did Deputy Wright decide to open this issue up after it sat dormant for two years? In August of 2007, Deputy Laura Wright made a declaration on behalf of Cindy Pilkinton in her divorce case that Michael Pilkinton initiated in June of 2007. It has been reported to the US~Observer that Cindy Pilkinton was the Deputy Clerk for the town of Winthrop. Additionally, there are key people in Kuirsten Pilkinton’s life that hold positions of power.
Sarazin was originally arrested by Okanogan County Sheriff Deputy Laura Wright on November 22, 2013. Then Deputy Prosecuting Attorney (DPA) Brandon Platter charged Sarazin with eight counts of child rape in the 2nd degree, each count having a maximum penalty of possible life imprisonment and/or $50,000 fine. DPA Platter also charged Sarazin with 5 counts of child molestation in the 2nd degree, each count has a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment and/or a $20,000 fine. According to the information filed in the court, the alleged acts occurred between September 1, 2010, and June 30, 2011. Judge Christopher Culp found probable cause and set bail at $100,000.00.
Since his return to Okanogan County, Sarazin states his 6th Amendment rights are being violated. Court records reveal that Sarazin’s defense attorneys are providing the bare minimum interaction with him. Simply put, the public defender assigned to his case extracts his signature from him on court documents. Sarazin has written numerous letters to the court expressing the fact that his public defender, Attorney Randy Thies, does not return his phone calls and will not talk to him. Furthermore, Sarazin has requested discovery in his case every month since January and to date, does not have it. Sarazin’s letters have consistently requested counsel outside the Okanogan Public Defender pool. During a status conference held on Monday, August 16, 2021, Attorney Randy Theis was removed and Attorney Michael Haas was appointed to this case.
David Sarazin’s Ex-wife’s Alleged Mental Health Crisis
David Sarazin and Korrin Oosterhof were married on July 14, 2007. According to court documents filed on February 11, 2011, Korrin petitioned the court for divorce. The marriage produced one son who was born in June of 2008. The parenting plan initially called for Sarazin and Oosterhof to have joint custody (50/50). The divorce decree and parenting plan ordered were filed on November 11, 2011.
In May of 2013, Korrin Oosterhof married Jeremy Welborn. By September 2013, Sarazin was concerned about Oosterhof’s mental health and stability. Oosterhof’s behavior prompted him to make a complaint to the Okanogan County Sheriff’s Office (Investigative Report for Incident S13-06278). According to a report filed by Deputy Michael Blake dated September 18, 2013, Sarazin said Oosterhof was living in a van in Shelton, WA and threatened him and his children in two separate text messages. Sarazin told Deputy Blake, “He was afraid that she was going to come back [to Twisp] and pick up their son and take him with her.” Deputy Blake informed Sarazin that he could not pursue charges based on text messages alone and that he would contact Korrin’s husband, Jeremy Welborn and get more information. Deputy Blake advised Sarazin to contact Mental Health and CPS and provide them with the information he had. Deputy Blake also advised Sarazin to contact the district court if he wanted to pursue a restraining order.
The next day, according to the report of Deputy Laura Wright dated September 19, 2013, Jeremy Welborn confirmed that Korrin had been emotionally up and down for a while. Welborn informed Deputy Wright that a while ago Korrin “up and left with her son unexpectedly and called him several hours later. She returned home and then about a week ago she left by herself.” He said Korrin’s former husband and father of two children, Emil Arndt, was killed in a truck crash in Shelton, WA.” Welborn believed Korrin was triggered because Sarazin threatened to get full custody of their child.
According to Deputy Michael Blake’s report dated September 19, 2013, Jeremy Welborn called and said Korrin had made two threats to him. Welborn said she was upset that Sarazin was attempting to get custody of their child. Welborn told Deputy Blake “Korrin stated she was going to kill his kids in front of him.” When asked if Korrin was violent and if Welborn thought she could do that, he said she had been bi-polar and that she had hit him and damaged items in the past. Welborn stated that Korrin threatened his mother because she was unhappy their child was staying with his mother (Korrin and Jeremy have a child together). Welborn told Deputy Blake that Korrin told him “If he values his mother’s life, he would not have him stay there anymore.” Welborn petitioned the court for divorce on October 3, 2013.
Child Custody
Sarazin heeded the advice of Deputy Blake and on September 26, 2013, he filed a series of documents in the Okanogan Superior Court including a Declaration for Temporary Order. On October 7, 2013, visiting Chelan Superior Court Judge T.W. “Chip” Small signed the temporary order giving Sarazin temporary custody of his five-year-old son. The order provided that Korrin would have supervised visitation three times a week for three hours each visit, supervised by Jessica Reece, David’s girlfriend at the time.

Former Detective Rob Heyen
On the same day of the filings, Detective Rob Heyen arranged to meet with Sarazin at the Twisp Police Department. Detective Heyen asked Sarazin if he could record the conversation. Assuming he was there to discuss the issues he was having with his ex-wife, Korrin, David agreed. Detective Heyen then read David his Miranda rights without disclosing why he wanted to talk to him. Once mirandized, Detective Heyen began his interview with Sarazin about the 2011 complaint made by Cindy Hicks on behalf of her daughter, Kuirsten Pilkinton. During the interview, Detective Heyen asked Sarazin if he was willing to take a polygraph test. Sarazin agreed to this, however the polygraph test was never arranged.
At the end of the day, Sarazin, strongly claiming his innocence, left Okanogan County believing he would not receive competent legal representation. He is now back in an Okanogan jail cell, still proclaiming his innocence, and his worst fears of not being represented have come true. If Kuirsten Pilkinton’s accusations against David Sarazin are false she needs to call us and clear her conscience which will certainly haunt her for life if she is lying. If she is telling the truth we need to hear from her as well.
Editor’s Note: Family and supporters of David Sarazin want to know the truth surrounding Kuirsten’s sex abuse allegations against him and ask that anyone with information pertaining to this story contact the US~Observer at 541-474-7885 or by email to editor@usobserver.com.
Traveling to help people who are innocent of the crimes they are facing prosecution for is extremely expensive.
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