A Telling Victory: No-Contact Order “Stricken”

Jessica Morton
Grants Pass, OR – On October 1, 2015 Jessica Morton, who currently faces six criminal charges for alleged sex crimes against a “minor,” had her no-contact order with minors, “stricken,” in an order signed by Josephine County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Hull. Morton, obviously not the sex offender the prosecution has publicly alleged, can now return to coaching softball and take part in other events involving children. We commend her attorney Nathan Wente for filing the motion. Josephine County Assistant District Attorney Mathew Corey did not oppose dropping the no-contact order.
Facing up to 10 years in prison if convicted, having a no contact order with minors stricken was positive news for Jessica Morton and her family, especially considering that she still faces the following criminal charges:
Count 1: Custodial Sexual Misconduct in the Second Degree
Count 2: Sexual Abuse in the Third Degree
Count 3: Custodial Sexual Misconduct in the Second Degree
Count 4: Sexual Abuse in the Third Degree
Count 5: Custodial Sexual Misconduct in the First Degree
Count 6: Custodial Sexual Misconduct in the Second Degree
Removing Morton’s no-contact order reflects the message that she is not a threat. The evidence supports this action, and, furthermore reflects that her false criminal charges should be dropped altogether. The evidence against Morton stems from a former client of Kairos, Tyler Watson, who alleged that Morton had sexual contact with him. Although there were no witnesses to the alleged crimes, the state has continued their baseless prosecution. It is our hope that District Attorney Ryan Mulkins, along with Prosecutor Matthew Corey will put forth the time necessary to look very close at Morton’s case and dismiss her unfounded charges in pursuit of justice.
These prosecutors have admitted, by not opposing the defense motion to drop the “no contact with minors” order against Morton, that she is not a sexual threat to minors. To continue her prosecution any further, can only be considered an atrocious and heavy handed action – a severe abuse against Jessica Morton, a mother and an outstanding member of society.
19 year-old Tyler Watson originally made the ludicrous accusations against Morton when she was one of his supervisors at a Kairos facility in Grants Pass, Oregon. Watson has been referred to by other staff and residents at the Kairos treatment facility as a “Sociopath” and a “pathological liar.” One witness stated, “Tyler is a very dangerous young man. His intentional actions are sophisticated and those who reject him should watch their backs closely.” Jessica Morton rejected Watson’s advances; in fact, she reported (in her written reports) that he refused to respect the boundaries of female residents, herself and others. Watson was placed on a Behavioral Support Plan by Supervisors at Kairos due to his continued inappropriate and indecent advances toward females at the facility.
Watson was placed in the Kairos treatment facility by the Oregon Youth Authority, where he had been a ward of the state for committing various crimes, including those of dishonesty. After his false allegations against Morton and subsequent to leaving Kairos, Watson has reportedly been arrested for crimes, similar to those which got him incarcerated in the first place. He is a reported methamphetamine addict and known thief, who, according to his arrest record, sells drugs within school zones.
After enduring the severe humiliation of false sex abuse charges for nearly six long months and the threats of indictment instigated by Watson for a year and a half, Morton finally has an adequate attorney “working diligently” on her case, which is also positive news for her defense.
Morton’s next status hearing will be held at the Josephine County Courthouse on December 7, 2015 at 1 pm. It is expected that if her charges are not dismissed by this date, there will be a trial date set at the hearing.
Updates on Jessica Morton’s case will be published online at www.usobserver.com as we receive more information.
The US~Observer is asking that people show up in support of Morton on December 7th at the Josephine County, Oregon, Courthouse and help send the message that prosecuting an innocent woman will not be tolerated!
If you are facing false charges, we can help you.