Schaeffer Cox Not Guilty of Solicitation!

The 9th Circuit reverses Schaeffer Cox’s solicitation conviction.
Editor’s Note: Schaeffer Cox has been fighting for his innocence even before he was ever convicted. Along the way, the US~Observer has been the only media outlet in the United States to act as a voice of reason and publish the truth, exposing the government. We published that he could not have been guilty of solicitation of murder, as it was the federal informants who were soliciting his aide through entrapment – which he kept saying no to. We also published the fact that he could not be guilty of his conspiracy to commit murder charge as his statements were always based on actions of the federal government – if this, then this.
We have kept up our pressure both publicly and along the channels available to us. We are proud that our efforts have played a role in this key decision to have one of his convictions overturned. We will continue to stand on the side of the truth, knowing the truth shall set Schaeffer Cox free.
In a stunning ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, Schaeffer Cox’s conviction on “solicitation to murder a federal official” has been overturned. Citing someone close to the case, the 9th Circuit found, “that it is clear that no rational trier of fact could find Defendant guilty of solicitation to murder a federal official.”
Furthermore, the 9th vacated Cox’s sentences on all counts of his conviction, and remanded it back to the District Court where new sentencing must be ordered.
While the 9th Circuit correctly ruled to overturn the solicitation conviction, it erred in its affirmation of his conspiracy to murder conviction. A defense lawyer familiar with Cox’s case, James Leuenberger, summed up the ruling to affirm the conspiracy conviction this way:
So, the conspiracy was to murder federal official(s) if federal officials attack Schaeffer Cox and his friends. Sounds like the conspiracy was to defend against if and when attacked.
No wonder Schaeffer Cox is upset.
It is obvious that without any solicitation to commit an offensive act, any talk to retaliate against someone IF they do something should be protected speech as it is defensive in nature. Cox’s entire conviction should be overturned.
If the District Court was interested in justice, it would sentence Schaeffer Cox to time served. Please let your voices be heard at the United States District Court of Alaska in Anchorage by calling 1-866-243-3814 or by writing Chief Judge Burgess at
Currently, Schaeffer Cox is incarcerated in the Communications Management Unit at the Federal Penitentiary in Marion, Illinois. He has served over 5 years of a 26 year sentence, that obviously should have never been assigned.
Please read all of our coverage on Schaeffer Cox’s wrongful imprisonment (see below). Keep in mind that freedom of speech is no longer free. Just ask Schaeffer Cox.