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“Senior Judges Have Passion for Concealing Truth”
By US~Observer Staff

Manuel “Manny” Casares
Vero Beach, FL – The US~Observer has been covering cases involving Manuel “Manny” Casares of Vero Beach County, Florida over the past year and have escalated our investigation due to substantial and highly negative information we have received. Casares has been involved in lawsuits with Wells Fargo Bank and a deceased realtor who he claims damaged him. When judges continually ruled against Casares he “began looking into alleged instances of corruption not involved with his case, looking for proof of corruption that would help expose the corrupt rulings in his own case.”
During a recent interview with Mr. Casares he stated, “Many of the local residents know the truth about the political, legal, judicial corruption in Vero Beach and how the local media aids in concealment by parroting the staged and false court case rulings, even when they are obvious.”
Casares continued, “Many in Vero live in fear of retaliation if they commit the local crime of telling the truth (whistleblowing) on any member of the judiciary, law enforcement, attorneys’ or politicians.”
It all began with a simple non-disclosure case against Norris & Co.’s realtor Ron Hughes and Strangs the sellers, for failing to disclose known water intrusions, flooding and termites. Negligence was not claimed so comparative fault would never be part of case. XL Insurance, through its attorney Geralyn Passaro, allegedly acting in bad faith, set up a defense “falsely claiming Hughes did not know about water intrusion and comparative fault/negligence defenses.” According to Casares, “Passaro’s body language indicated she had Hughes commit perjury in deposition.” Several witnesses, including those hired by Norris testified that they had talked with Hughes about the water intrusion, hurricane damage and termites.
Casares was forced to maintain the home and became quite ill from toxic black mold (aapergillus/stachybactrus). Numerous doctors diagnosed Casares with sick building syndrome, CIRS, anxiety disorder, organic affective syndrome, myalgias and treated him with numerous medications including fungicides, steroids, anti-seizure medications, respiratory and pain meds. The illnesses and medications resulted in the doctors and experts testifying that Casares was not competent to contract or understand legal issues from 2009 to 2011.
In 2009, Casares had his then Attorney Harold Melville (purported friend of Judge Kanarek) add a claim for personal injury, which was excluded from coverage in his XL insurance contract. Casares stated, “Melville, against my wishes, added negligence language to the claim, causing me harm, and through threats and harassment he demanded I drop his claim for personal injury. This was in agreement with my ex-spouse Stephanie Banack, who threatened divorce if I didn’t obey Melville.” Melville and Casares parted ways when Casares refused to accept a small settlement Melville arranged.

Judge Cynthia Cox
Casares’ second attorney Clifford Miller (purported friend of Judge Cox) filed a second amended complaint where he was instructed to restore the personal injury claim and not to include negligence. According to Casares, “Miller preyed on disability and added negligence language causing me harm. Norris had never filed an answer to our amended complaint and all Miller had to do to win was file a notice, dropping the notice to drop the personal injury claim that Melville had filed and a motion for default.”
Casares began representing himself and filed a motion that stated Hughes had committed perjury. Passaro’s filed a motion to strike the motion as scandalous. Casares filed a second document that outlined the perjury of Ron Hughes and the body language of Passaro that demonstrated “he was assisting in the perjury.” During the hearing on the Passaro motion to strike, Judge Kanarek asked her: Did you read what Casares just filed? When Passaro answered yes, Kanarek stated motion denied! The truth was upheld!
Casares attempted to get sanctions against Norris for the “improper negligence defense and learned that Melville and Miller had aided and abetted the Norris, Passaro/XL insurance scheme, by adding the agreed to, never being part of case negligence, language to amended complaints.”
Casares filed motions to cure these deficiencies exposing the schemes. Though Casares seemed well enough, he still suffered disability, which required the following accommodations in Court: “the ability to be excused for emergency bathroom breaks, time to gather his thoughts, and the ability to speak for himself.”
When setting up for upcoming hearings in December, he casually mentioned in an email that he would of course still need accommodations as he was having digestion issues. Casares stated, “Cox took the email as an opportunity to alter my accommodations at the November 8, 2012 evidentiary hearing. He was taking advantage of my deficiencies that required accommodations concerning time for me to gather my thoughts and for me to speak.” At the beginning of the hearing, Casares stated he had forgotten to file for accommodations. Judge Cox reportedly stated, “I got the email, take emergency bathroom breaks” and immediately changed the subject leaving off the most important accommodations. A study of the hearing shows she never gave Casares time to gather thoughts and speak for himself. A Writ of Prohibition to the 4th District Court of Appeals (DCA) resulted in Cox’s recusal and the resignation of her assistant Elizabeth Curra, “who received the email and attempted to cover up for it in subsequent emails.”
According to Casares, “Judge Kanarek was reassigned to the case and he did a complete 180 degree change from agreeing that Hughes had committed perjury to retaliating against Casares by never allowing Casares to correct the negligence language added by Miller and Melville, and never admit any admissible evidence.”
To make matters worse, with the help of alleged confidential informants Patricia Hunt, George Morales and Rev. Jerry Cassell, who became Casares’ new best friends, they convinced Casares to add biblical, Christian references and sovereign citizen arguments to his pleadings, which resulted in him being discredited in the 4th DCA.
Manny Casares has corrected his errors, and quite honestly, is attempting to correct the errors of those who represented him. What he needs now is to have a federal judge who is interested in justice, hear the facts in his case and rule accordingly…
Anyone with information about this case, the attorneys involved and Judges Cox and Kanarek are urged to contact Edward Snook at 541-474-7885 or by email to