DA Vitolins Continues Rinehart Abuse
Blatant Crook County Corruption
By Edward Snook
Investigative Reporter

District Attorney Daina Vitolins
Crook County, OR – No, “Crook” County is not a play on words. It is actually a county in central Oregon where a corrupt district attorney ignores evidence and jails innocent people. Crook County District Attorney (DA) Daina Vitolins believes she is above the law and in fact, she is. She furthers her blatant, corrupt conspiracies using certain Crook County Sheriff’s Deputies, her assistants and public defenders in forcing unjust, immoral, unethical plea-bargains upon innocent people and in jailing some of them, often for long periods of time. She is protected legally by unconstitutional and unlawful immunity statutes created by attorneys and legislatures of her ilk; however, Vitolins has absolutely no immunity in the Court of Public Opinion where I practice and she will soon find this out…
Matthew Rinehart was arrested on completely manufactured, false charges nearly 8 months ago. The US~Observer agreed to investigate Matt’s case and subsequent to our initial investigation I contacted DA Vitolins by letter, informing her that Rinehart is innocent and how she could easily establish the facts proving innocence. She responded to my letter on January 4, 2013 by letter stating, “Dear Mr. Snook – As you may or may not be aware, we don’t discuss pending cases with the media or anyone else not a party to the case. I am happy to discuss this case with you once it is resolved. Very Truly Yours, – Daina Vitolins District Attorney.”
I continued my investigation, uncovering much more evidence proving Rinehart’s innocence and since Vitolins informed me in her letter that she wanted our communication to be one-sided, I published a factual article titled, “Innocent Matt Rinehart Jailed on Unbelievable Rape Charges” and distributed it too many Crook County residents in late March of 2013.
On April 1, 2013, Diane Pike, the woman who initiated the false and destructive charges against Rinehart, appeared at the Crook County Sheriff’s Office where Crook County Deputy Sheriff Theresa Plinski was eager to write another one of her fairy-tale reports in this case. Plinski states in her report, “Pike had indicated to me that there was an article in the US Observer in regards to her case that had made her upset and wanted to clarify a few things that were printed in the article.” Deputy Plinski asked Pike to describe the photos that were published in the US~Observer – In referring to our front page photo that portrayed Pike as sexual and extremely enticing, Pike stated that she did take the picture of herself, she sent it to Rinehart and that “she did not realize that her shirt was so low cut.” This is pure, unbelievable BS and about as absurd as the charges against Rinehart… Officer Plinski conveniently failed to address the extremely provocative look on Pike’s face in the photo.
Deputy Plinski ends her report by stating, “A copy of the article from the US Observer titled, ‘Innocent Matt Rinehart Jailed on Unbelievable Rape Charges’ has been placed in the case packet – Forward to D.A.’s Office.” I would strongly suggest that instead of continuing to promote the conspired false charges against a factually innocent Matt Rinehart, that deputy Plinski and DA Vitolins read the US~Observer article they have in front of them and then investigate the facts contained in it.
I would prompt DA Vitolins and her conspirators to investigate the accusation that just prior to Diane Pike falsely accusing Matt Rinehart of Rape, that she reportedly accused Jay Williams of Prineville, Oregon of raping her to a friend. The friend stated, “When Diane told me that Jay had raped her I told Diane that Jay is underage, that he is a minor, and Pike responded, I will just wait until he is eighteen then.” The witness told me point blank that Pike is deceptive and that she was never raped by either Williams or Rinehart. Vitolins and Plinski should also go question the neighbor of Matt’s grandparents, who, according to a note (in part) obtained by the grandparents, stated that he didn’t want Diane Pike at his property anymore. He said Pike’s attire was too provocative and her sexual advances towards Matt Rinehart were so lewd that he didn’t want his children to witness her actions or the sexual way she was dressed (or not so dressed – dependent on interpretation) while “hanging all over Matt.”

Pictures of Diane Pike & text message sent to Matthew Rinehart
A good number of witnesses have stated that Diane Pike was constantly “all over Matt” in a sexual manner whenever they were together – that she was continually enticing him… I presume that Vitolins will make every attempt to exclude facts like this from court, using Oregon’s corrupted Rape-Shield statutes, rather than seeking justice, as this has been her MO in the past.

Diane Pike & Matthew Rinehart
I have much more to publish on this travesty of justice and I will at the appropriate time. At some point I will get into the history between Crook County Circuit Court Judge Gary Lee Williams, Crook County Public Defender William J. Condron and Matt Rinehart, who was a young 11 year-old boy when he first encountered them and when Gary Williams was the District Attorney in Crook County. I am also putting together a ball-buster on Daina Vitolins history – stay tuned…
Matt Rinehart is factually innocent and he is sitting in a jail cell day after day after day after day… Matt deserves our help, just as Daina Vitolins deserves to be ridiculed publicly for her unjust torture of Matthew Rinehart and others.
I ask that anyone with information on this case or the history of any of the players involved, contact me at 541-474-7885 or by email to ed@usobserver. Be responsible, pick up your phone and call me.