Okanogan’s Murder-in-the-1st?
Accused’s Bail Reduced, Ankle Bracelet Removed, And Yet, The Malicious Prosecution Continues
By Edward Snook
Investigative Reporter

James Faire
Okanogan County, WA – On June 18, 2015, an incident occurred at the Sourdough Ranch in the Aeneas Valley, Washington, that resulted in the loss of one person’s life. In a rush to judgment, the Sheriff, investigators and the prosecuting attorney bought into a narrative created by a gang of witnesses who were factually the perpetrators of the only crimes committed that afternoon. The deceased was none other than their ringleader. The crimes this gang carried out together and individually were: Conspiracy to Commit Kidnapping, Filing a False Police Report, Kidnapping, and Attempted Felony Assault in the First Degree. It was only because of their conspired efforts that one of their own was killed while attempting to kidnap the two people who have ultimately paid the price for this gang’s crimes.
James and Angela (Nobilis) Faire had previously been given permission to store some of their belongings at the Sourdough Ranch. They had even been tasked with taking care of the property. Shortly after a common friend died from her long struggle with cancer, James and Angela returned to collect their belongings and go about their lives. Instead, they were violently attacked by a group of people with whom James and Angela had been associated – literally, to the point of financially supporting them for many months.
According to police reports, depositions and witness statements, the setup and ambush was orchestrated by Debra Long and carried out by Richard Finegold, George Abrantes, Ruth Brooks, Michael St. Pierre and Long herself.
Richard Finegold put the cabal’s plan into motion on the evening of June 17th when he made a 911 call to falsely report a break-in burglary.
On June 18th the group hid their vehicles from sight and waited for their targets. Once James and Angela arrived, Long’s plan was put into motion. Finegold was sent to a neighbor’s home to call 911; the rest all moved in to kidnap the couple, but Abrantes had additional plans. Swinging a length of chain with a lock at the end, he lashed out. James, who was armed with the pistol he always wore, was able to hold off Abrantes’ attack long enough for him and Angela to get back in their vehicle. At this point Abrantes went to work on the truck smashing at it, and its occupants, with his weapon.
James desperately tried to escape the onslaught. He never saw Debra Long who, according to witnesses, was crouched down trying to either tie herself to the grill or bumper of the truck or to disable it with her scissors.
It was the action of the group that led to her death and the injuries sustained by the chain-wielding thug, George Abrantes, as he rushed the escaping truck, not the actions of a couple trying to flee from being assaulted, brutalized, kidnapped or worse.
Rush to Judgment – Sheriff’s Office Fails to Investigate
James and Angela escaped the Sourdough property and called 911 as soon as they reached an area where they had cell service. The police, who had already been set up by Finegold the night before, arrived and arrested the couple.
On the morning of June 19th, Detective Kreg Sloan filed a preliminary finding of probable cause. Detective Sloan’s failure to do a thorough investigation led him to false conclusions, which Sheriff Rogers released on local KREM2 Television that same day. In fact, in that news broadcast the Sheriff made certain assumptions that impugned James and Angela’s characters by calling them “squatters.” It was a narrative that was hurriedly concocted and has since politically driven the charges. They would literally have to come out on TV and announce they were wrong. How often do you have elected officials do that? Never, unless they are forced to admit the truth.
Serious Charges Leveled, High Bail Set
On the afternoon of June 19th, James and Angela were brought before Okanogan Superior Court Judge Christopher Culp. James Faire was charged with 1st Degree Premeditated Murder or the alternative 2nd Degree Felony Murder, 1st Degree Assault, 1st Degree Theft and 1st Degree Criminal Trespass and bail was set at $750,000. Angela was charged with 1st Degree Theft and 1st Degree Criminal Trespass and her bail was set at $5,000.
Private Attorney Retained
An innocent and indigent James Faire remained incarcerated in Okanogan County Jail for 8 months and one day. For more than five months of that time, he was without assistance of counsel. Faire’s family, friends and supporters were finally able to put together the necessary funds to retain Attorney Stephen Pidgeon to represent James.
Attorney Pidgeon’s first course of action was to file a Writ of Habeas Corpus along with a motion to reduce the bail. On February 19, 2016, in a standing room only courtroom, Judge Culp reduced Faire’s bail from $750,000 to $150,000. Culp denied the Writ of Habeas Corpus and Pidgeon subsequently has appealed the denial.

Richard Finegold
Finegold Admits Making a False Report
On October 27, 2016, Richard Finegold was interviewed for a second time by Attorney Stephen Pidgeon and Angela’s Attorney Richard Gilliland in the presence of Prosecutor Karl Sloan. During the interview Finegold admitted that the police report he made on June 17, 2015 was false. He went on to say that Debra Long “made him do it” and if it wasn’t for her “he would not have done it.” Finegold continued to disclose that Long told him what to say to police on the 17th and that Long instructed him and fellow gang members to keep James and Angela on his Sourdough property after they arrived the following day. Police reports in this case reveal that Long went to the extreme of instructing her gang to hide their vehicles prior to the Faires arriving to pick up their belongings they had stored on the property.
Motion to Remove Intrusive Electronic Home Monitoring and Knapstad Filed
Attorney Stephen Pidgeon filed a Motion to Remove Electronic Monitoring and a Knapstad Motion on September 29, 2016. The Knapstad in essence means that the prosecution doesn’t have any evidence to back up their charges.

Okanogan Superior Court Judge Christopher Culp
On Friday, October 28, 2016, Okanogan County Superior Court Judge Christopher Culp granted Faire’s motion to remove the electronic home monitor. Culp did not rule on the motion to dismiss the Felony Murder charge as he questioned whether the court had jurisdiction due to an active discretionary review by the Court of Appeals, Division III, concerning the appeal that Attorney Pidgeon filed on the dismissal of Faire’s Habeas Corpus Motion.

Prosecutor Karl Sloan
After thoroughly reviewing all evidence in this case the motive is crystal clear and it belongs solely to Debra Long. Long deceived her gang as she set her sights on gaining control of properties belonging to Richard Finegold, her trusted servant, and his now deceased girlfriend Michele St Pierre. Long, convinced that the Faires were going to expose her criminal intentions, made plans to eliminate this threat, which ultimately backfired.
None of the real criminals have been charged with a crime even though they have already made admissions of guilt to Prosecutor Karl Sloan during depositions. What is more perplexing than Sloan’s failure to charge these individuals, is his refusal to dismiss his ludicrous charges against James and Angela Faire, when he knows that he doesn’t have one single shred of evidence.
One final thought, when bail is reduced from $750,000.00 to $150,000.00 and a very intrusive ankle monitoring device is ordered removed from a Defendant accused of 1st Degree Premeditated Murder, it is more than obvious that Faire’s innocence has already been established…
Editor’s Note: Call the US~Observer at 541-474-7885 or email editor@usobserver.com if you have information on any of the individuals involved in this case.