US~Observer Defeats False Homicide Prosecution
James Faire Can Never Be Charged Again!
Editor’s Note: James Faire has been abused by a system that is supposed to promote justice for over four long years. From being held in jail for almost nine long months, much of that time without true representation, for a crime he factually, and statutorily, did not commit, to being dogged by an elected prosecutor and his successor, whose goals seemed to be to cover for a corrupt detective (brother to the 1st elected prosecutor) whose shoddy investigation railroaded an innocent man, James Faire has endured being falsely labeled a murderer, knowing one day he would be vindicated. Today is just one day closer to making that a reality.
Okanogan County Prosecutor Arian Noma, Yakima County Prosecuting Attorney Joseph Brusic, WAPA staff attorney Pamela B. Loginsky and the Washington work group of six counties’ prosecutors all need to be commended for their effort to ensure the justice system did not imprison an innocent man.
By Ron Lee
Investigative Journalist
Okanogan, WA – Almost nothing can right the wrongs James Faire has been forced to endure these last four, long years. In fact, he will likely face more in the future, thanks to the government’s unyielding commitment to punish him for crimes he did not commit and the resulting public damage to his reputation their pursuit caused. With government agents hitting the airwaves and proclaiming Faire’s guilt and characterizing him as a crazy squatter even before an adequate investigation had taken place (See video to the right), the public’s misconception that Faire was a guilty man will follow him forever. However, having the State of Washington stop its efforts to prosecute him and abide by a judge’s dismissal of his case is an important first step toward reparation, and James Faire’s ultimate vindication.

WAPA staff attorney Pamela B. Loginsky is known for her tenacious pursuit of justice

Yakima County Prosecutor Joseph Brusic helped seek justice in the James Faire case
On July 9th, 2019, the Washington State Court of Appeals Division III signed a Motion For Voluntary Withdrawal of Appeal filed by Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys (WAPA) staff attorney Pamela B. Loginsky. Loginsky had been contacted by Yakima Prosecuting Attorney Joseph Brusic after the US~Observer’s most recent article. Shortly thereafter, on June 25th, Loginsky was appointed by Okanogan County Prosecutor Arian Noma as Special Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for Okanogan County. The motion was the product of a work group consisting of prosecuting attorneys and appellate deputy prosecuting attorneys from six counties. After the work group’s review of the entire Faire case, they concluded:
“… that if the State’s appeal was successful and the prosecution was restored, the work group would not recommend proceeding with the case because the State would not be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Faire was not acting in self defense under the law … the State of Washington respectfully requests that this Court grant the instant motion to withdraw the appeal in the interest of justice.”

Okanogan County Prosecutor Arian Noma did what any good prosecutor would, he recused himself in the interest of justice. We would have expected nothing less. The people of Okanogan County must appreciate the change from previous elected prosecutors.
With that as the basis for the RAP 18.2 motion, the Court of Appeals responded by ruling that the appeal be dropped. Just like that, the effort to overturn the Dismissal With Prejudice ruling by Judge Culp of James Faire’s criminal prosecution came to an end. And, on July 10th, James Faire was notified of the court’s ruling; that he was free from prosecution by the state.
James Faire can now never again be falsely prosecuted for the death of Debra Long.
Long’s death was the result of an unfortunate chain of events that began when James Faire, along with his wife Angela Nobilis-Faire, were framed for a crime they did not commit by a crazed group who filed a false police report against the Faires. The report claimed the Faires were squatting on property they had actually been given permission to be on. Then, when the Faires came to the property to retrieve their personal property, the same group physically confronted them. One person, George Abrantes, violently assaulted James with a lock and chain. In order to save himself and his wife, James, who was armed at the time, decided to flee instead of engaging with them. Sadly, in the process, Long, who herself was an attacker, was killed and Abrantes was injured as they had surrounded Faire’s vehicle to keep him from leaving – something they failed in doing.
The US~Observer performed a thorough investigation determining James Faire’s innocence within a matter of weeks from the time of the accident, and ever since has sought to enlighten the prosecutors while educating the public with the facts.
At each turn, the US~Observer was there exposing the corrupt and pushing the truth, correcting the record and uncovering evidence, all to ensure an innocent man would not be railroaded by a system that is intended to mete out justice.

James Faire is free from prosecution – 1st step in claiming the justice he deserves!
According to James Faire, “If it wasn’t for the US~Observer being involved and promoting the truth in my case I very well could have died in jail. I almost certainly would have never seen any amount of freedom. And without doubt, the prosecutors would have never, in a million years, stopped their unjust prosecution of me. Few will ever know the time spent on this epic war for righteousness, truth and justice.”
But what is justice in this case? One thing that isn’t just is pretending that since the state is no longer pursuing him, that he should be happy.
James is disillusioned and greatly upset, and he wants his four years back; wants his good name back; and wants to ensure that sheriff’s detective, Kreg Sloan, can’t just jump to conclusions anymore and have that be a basis for a prosecution. He wants his wife Angela to not be afraid anymore and the death threats from people who’ve read libelous mainstream media reports to end. He wants his faith in a system that is supposed to protect the sanctity of being innocent until proven guilty restored. He wants every moment he feared for his future, every dime he paid for his defense, and every ounce of freedom he lost over the last four years to mean something to those who did this to him.
James wants to see George Abrantes face justice for what he did to cause Debra Long’s death, and the rest of the group to pay for their conspired efforts to criminalize him.
While James Faire now has his freedom ensured, he still deserves justice. Rest assured, the US~Observer will be right there with him when he gets it.
Edward Snook, Editor-in-Chief’s Note: All of us at the US~Observer really want to see James Faire compensated for the tragic abuse he has been forced to endure all these years, however, we would also love to see “Discovery” take place in a Federal Civil Rights lawsuit.
If Discovery were to take place, all the horrible corruption that Karl Sloan, his brother Kreg Sloan, Branden Platter, and others who took part in the false prosecution of Faire, would surely surface. We have a good idea what some of the corruption is and I firmly believe more than one Okanogan Public Official, and at least one police officer, would end up in a prison cell for a good, long time. If Discovery does take place, our readership and the citizens of Washington State can rest assured that we will hand-deliver them the facts and pull no punches in our pursuit of justice.
Are you facing a prosecution for a crime you did not commit? Contact us immediately – 541-474-7885. We can obviously help.
If you are not familiar with the James Faire case, read the articles listed below.