911 Call Draws WA Prosecutor Into Conspiracy
Prosecutor Karl Sloan Commits Federal Crime
Editor’s Note: This is a continuing investigation on the false prosecutions by Karl Sloan of James (Strat) Faire and Angela Nobilis. Previous articles begin with:
By Edward Snook
Investigative Journalist

Richard Finegold
Okanogan County WA – On the evening of June 17, 2015, 48-year-old Richard Alan Finegold of Stanwood WA made a pathetic, yet well set-up 911 call to the Okanogan County Sheriff’s Office. He claimed that he had discovered there were “squatters” at a property he owns, located at 36 E. Sourdough Road in Tonasket, WA. Dispatch sent the complaint out as a “Burglary.”
When Deputy Josh Petker arrived at the residence he met Richard Finegold, Debra Long, Ruth Brooks, George Abrantes and Michael St. Pierre. Even though Finegold had been professionally deceived by Debra Long (concerning her attempts to gain control of St. Pierre and Finegold properties), he had one goal in mind and that was to use the police to start a contrived and malicious attack on James Faire and Angela Nobilis. Finegold played the soft spoken, helpless, paranoid role, but he factually knew at the time he was making a false report to law enforcement; and we have the proof listed below.

Ruth Brooks
According to the police report, the group went to the extreme of advising the deputy “that Richard had Aspergers Symtom [sic], which made it difficult to explain things.” The report continued, “Richard’s friends assisted in explaining things when Richard had a hard time finding the right words.” Any ethical, decent person would have found it difficult to attack James and Angela after the two had spent countless hours shopping for and preparing his food, “cleaning up his filth,” and providing maintenance on his property.

Michael St. Pierre
However, after thoroughly reading the police report it is clear that Richard Finegold set his conscience aside and had no problem whatsoever. Faire and Nobilis had also provided care, food and general assistance for Finegold’s girlfriend, Michele St. Pierre, who had died several days earlier, just as they did for numerous other individuals who stayed at St. Pierre’s Stanwood residence (Note: Richard Finegold and Michele St. Pierre were a couple and they shared three separate properties, one of which was 36 E. Sourdough, where the incident took place and another was the Stanwood house).

George Abrantes
Finegold did quite well, given his fairytale handicap, at explaining to Deputy Petker how Faire and Nobilis set up a GoFundMe account to “help with Michele’s medical bills and living expenses.” And then how he, his friends and his family became suspicious as, “they had only received three thousand dollars from the account” when the web site claimed there had been over nine thousand dollars in donations.
Poor Richard didn’t mention to the deputy that Faire and Nobilis worked seven straight weeks for them. He didn’t mention anything about all the groceries they purchased with the funds that Faire and Nobilis had raised. He didn’t say a word about all the gas and time that was consumed by James and Angela making numerous trips from Stanwood, WA to Tonasket, WA (Sourdough Property) for Richard and Michele. He also leaves out the facts about all the household and cleaning items that Faire and Nobilis purchased with the funds and according to witnesses, “Finegold grossly understated the amount of cash he received directly from Nobilis.”
In an interview with Angela Nobilis she stated, “I gave Richard close to six thousand dollars and the rest was used to purchase food, gas and many other items.” She continued, “It took a lot of money just to buy the food for all the people living at St. Pierre’s house in Stanwood.” And according to our sources, Michele refused any food that was not organic, grass-fed, and “pure.”
All in all, the “GoFundMe” account did not belong to Richard or his family. It was set up by Angela Nobilis and was in her name for the purpose of helping her friend, which it did. In short, it was her absolute right to distribute it as needed for Michele St. Pierre.
Any prudent person knows that it costs money to administrate anything, especially the care for a person dying of cancer (Michele St. Pierre). Only worthless human beings would damn James Faire and Angela Nobilis for their exemplary actions and only a corrupt, conscienceless Okanogan County Prosecutor named Karl Sloan would charge them with crimes for their unbelievably heartfelt and valiant efforts to assist their friends, Richard and Michele. Bottom line – Prosecutor Sloan’s charge of theft against James and Angela is simply an extension of his “god syndrome” – without one fact – not one single shred of evidence.
Finegold told another blatant lie that night when he told the officer, “he really doesn’t know that much about James and Angela.” He knew good and well that he sat on his worthless butt for many weeks while they took care of him and fed him and everyone else in the household. The fact is, Richard knew them very well.
Proof of the falsity of Finegold’s complaints to Deputy Petker

Richard Finegold
First, Finegold’s assertion that Faire and Nobilis stole from Nobilis’ own GoFundMe account has been exposed above as nothing more or less than a “professional, self-proclaimed victim’s” (Richard Finegold) effort to gain sympathy and assistance from a police officer by deceitful means. This Theft issue was used by Debra Long to enable her to gain control of Richard, George and the other conspirators, to enhance her “plans to steal Michele and Richard’s properties.”
The following emails between James (Strat), Angela, Michele and Richard show that Finegold knew Faire and Nobilis were at his property and that they had complete permission to be there as far back as 2012. The following emails also prove that Richard Finegold committed a crime when he gave the false information about “not knowing James and Angela very well” to officer Petker. These emails completely refute Prosecutor Sloan’s false criminal charges of “Trespass” and “Theft” against James Faire and Angela Nobilis.
Email from Michele St. Pierre to James Faire and Angela Nobilis – 11-15-14:
Hi there,
Thanks so much for going up [36 Sourdough] and checking. It really means a lot to our peace of mind.
I would not be adverse at all if you wanted to clean up the place. I was really in a lot of pain before we left so could not handle much. We are toying with the idea of coming over and staying for a while, but I am still pretty weak, although improving slightly each day.
Clearview went on the market!! Yeah! I could pay you $15.00/hour for any work, my problem being we don’t have much money until the listing sells. If you don’t mind waiting to get paid, we are good. Just let me know what you want to do.
I know you don’t have an oven, so if you want to stage Thanksgiving at our place, that would be fine. I don’t know if we’ll make it over there, but we might! Especially if you are cooking…;-)
Glad that you got some taters… We’ve been eating what Richard got for a while now. Plus, if you think you can sell the Lister Generator, please do and keep the money. I know that you could really use it now.
If you need to stage any stuff at our property [Sourdough], prior to your move, feel free.
Loves and hugs,

Angela Nobilis

James Faire
An email from Michele to Angela and Strat (James) in September of 2014 states, “Dear Angel and Strat – Thanks so much for watching out for our property (36 E. Sourdough)…Love you so much and miss you terribly and home as well.” Michele then refers to a trip Richard plans on making to Sourdough – “Don’t know if you can hook up but I know Richard would love to see you.”
Pictures have been deleted from the following text exchanges due to space:
2/12, 3:22pm: Richard Finegold (to Angela Nobilis) – I have a list: Water ozonater (small box, about 1/4 the size of a shoe box, with a tube/ball sticking out, left of the stove in lower cupboard); large pie plates (6-8 of them); medium/large drinking glasses (about 5″ high, cylindrical with one step); large/soup spoons; bamboo serving tray (might be above fridge or above cupboards, might still be in plastic wrap); bamboo cooking utensils; Gibson guitar (hard case) Ovation Preacher guitar USB device in office by router, include power and anything plugged into it); canned pet food; pajama bottoms; soft pants/leggings (not jeans, no rear pockets);
2/12, 3:22pm: Richard Finegold – underwear; flannel shirts; plain t-shirts
2/12, 3:31pm: Richard Finegold – the USB thing pictured is on the left side of the room, on the desk, toward the window; I think it has a USB flash drive plugged in; bring it with its network cable.
2/13, 3:44pm: Angela Nobilis-Faire – Richard, should we bring amplifiers for the guitar? Also, are we bringing over clothes for both of you? We will be headed over tmrw, so if you think of more stuff, let us know. We have most things packed, except for clothes…
2/13, 3:56pm: Angela Nobilis-Faire – This is what we found with respect to the usb thing. Is it what you are expecting? Is there a device that sits on it that we should find?
2/13, 7:02pm: Richard Finegold – that’s exactly it (usb)! Nothing plugged into the top at this time.
2/13, 7:03pm: Angela Nobilis-Faire – Excellent! Do you need clothes? I know about Michele’s, got those packed. Also, amplifier for guitar, is that a yes or no?
2/13, 7:04pm: Richard Finegold – Amps are ok but not Crate or Taxi (batteries dead)
2/13, 7:05pm: Angela Nobilis-Faire – Strat says there is a peavy and a bigger one…
2/13, 7:05pm: Richard Finegold – For me, just jeans and underwear and socks; I have shirts and shoes. Bring Peavy and bigger one.
2/13, 7:06pm: Angela Nobilis-Faire – Ok on amps. And your clothes. Someone named Bruce Morton would like to come visit on Sunday. Are you two up for that? If so, what time?
2/13, 7:07pm: Richard Finegold – That’d be okay, in the afternoon.
2/13, 7:08pm: Angela Nobilis-Faire – Ok, I will let him know
2/13, 7:08pm: Richard Finegold – Have him contact Michele in the morning before coming over (in case she’s having a bad day). But okay otherwise
2/13, 7:09pm: Angela Nobilis-Faire – Will do…
2/13, 7:09pm: Richard Finegold – Thank you so much!
2/13, 7:10pm: Angela Nobilis-Faire – Ok, I will get some clothes out together for you and we will load the amps. Looking to leave in the AM. I have a hotspot, so comm’s are available except thru the pass. I will msg you when we are enroute. Cannot wait to see you!
2/13, 7:10pm: Richard Finegold – We want to see you two too!
2/13, 7:11pm: Angela Nobilis-Faire – See you tomorrow! If you think of anything else you need in the next hour or so, let me know…
2/13, 7:14pm: Richard Finegold – Will you be bringing more garlic (any left)?
2/13, 7:15pm: Angela Nobilis-Faire – I will pick out the best ones. The bulbs are starting to dry out…
2/13, 7:15pm: Richard Finegold – Yay!
2/13, 7:31pm: Richard Finegold – Oh, one more thing: the cordless phones. One at kitchen bar, one at front hall by coat rack above or below table, one on each side of master bedroom’s bed. One of the cradles is unoccupied (we grabbed one of the phones by mistake). They have an intercom system (base station is on “my” side of the bed) that we should be able to use.
2/14, 10:50am: Angela Nobilis-Faire – We will be rolling in about 15 minutes. The rig is loaded and has a bearing/rear axle issue, so we will be taking it easy. Will check in through the trip
Exposing Sloan
Without going into the complete conspiracy behind this false prosecution case, I’ll move forward and factually expose Okanogan County Prosecutor Karl Sloan.
Officer Petker bought into Richard Finegold’s false complaints on the evening of June 17, 2015, hook, line, and sinker.
The very next day James and Angela arrived at the Sourdough property to pick up their belongings and they were cornered and attacked by Debra Long and an out of control and “very dangerous 300-plus pound George Abrantes.”
According to witnesses (even the state’s), as soon as James and Angela exited their pickup, Abrantes went after them with a loggers chain as he and Long intentionally blocked the two in the driveway at 36 E. Sourdough. In James’ effort to exit the driveway, Debra Long was pinned under the truck and Abrantes was struck as Faire was desperately attempting to get away from his violent assault. Long died and Abrantes was sent to the hospital. This evidence proves Prosecutor Sloan factually knows that James Faire was attempting to avoid Abrantes’ Assault, not commit Murder.
James and Angela rushed to Tonasket, where they could receive cell phone coverage and they called 911 to inform police of the incident. Finegold’s false police report made the night before had already set the stage. The police arrived and immediately arrested James Faire and Angela Nobilis. Both were charged with Murder, Trespass and Theft. The Murder charge against Nobilis was later dropped, however James remains in jail to this day, facing 1st degree Murder.
Official Uses KREM 2 to Deceive the Public

Sheriff Rogers
Sheriff Frank Rogers went on the local news the evening of June 19, 2015, just one day after the incident and gave the public the sensational news of squatters and a murder. KREM 2 News published the headline, “Tonasket squatters fatally run over woman.” KREM 2 reported on June 19, 2015: “County Sheriff’s Office arrested two people Thursday after deputies said they ran over the friends of a homeowner’s house they were squatting in near Tonasket.”
“It’s pretty rare, the hardest part for us to wrap our head around is, who in their mind goes and moves into somebody else’s house?” said Sheriff Frank Rogers of Okanogan County.
It is alarming that an elected law enforcement officer can publicly lie about a case, having had less than 24 hours to investigate and also that the local news would rush to feed that lie to the public. It is amazing that the citizens of Okanogan County, WA blindly allow such outrageous deception to take place.
In hindsight, Sheriff Rogers and the partially false police reports produced in this case provide much of the motive for Prosecutor Sloan and his co-conspirators to continue their false prosecution of Faire and Nobilis. Sloan and all Okanogan law enforcement involved in this manufactured case need to read the emails above and then they should all resign…period.
US~Observer Enters Case
The US~Observer was contacted by a relative of James Faire shortly after the incident and we immediately began our investigation. Within days of the incident it was clear that this was a case of self-defense and before long we discovered the conspiracy that had been started by none other than the now deceased Debra Long. This was in late June of 2015.
By July 9, 2015, we had concluded that James Faire and Angela Nobilis were innocent of any wrongdoing whatsoever and I called Okanogan Sheriff Frank Rogers. He took my name and said that his chief deputy would call me back.
On July 15, 2015, I received a call from Chief Deputy Steve Brown who took my factual information and phone number. He assured me he would pass this information on to Detective Kreg Sloan (Prosecutor Karl Sloan’s brother) who was handling the case. I have never heard from Detective Sloan, and law enforcement from Okanogan County, WA has failed to question all but one of the witnesses I provided them.

Prosecutor Karl Sloan
On July 23, 2015, I wrote to Prosecutor Karl Sloan, telling him about the facts we had uncovered. To date, and after publishing most all of the pertinent facts in this case, I haven’t heard one word from this spineless, elected official, who has proven to be nothing more than a dishonest and treacherous prosecutor.
The Only Unbiased Eye Witness
The witness I provided who police did interview is Boyd McPherson. McPherson was not associated with James and Angela in any way. Faire had simply hired him to help retrieve Faire’s belongings from the Sourdough property.
McPherson clearly told the police how Abrantes violently attacked James and Angela. He stated, “Jim parked in the front of the house and as soon as he got out the heavy set guy and the gal approached the driver’s door. The guy started swinging his chain. Jim showed extreme discipline getting back into his truck. I saw the driver’s side mirror shatter and the window flex as it was struck by the chain.
“The two then focused their attention on Angela who was sitting in the passenger seat, yelling and screaming obscenities at her. As they got to the front of the truck the gal in the orange shirt [Debra Long] was literally trying to tie herself to the front of Jim’s truck to keep Jim from leaving.”
Wow! And Okanogan County Prosecutor Karl Sloan wants the public to believe that James Faire Murdered Debra Long. I can only conclude that Sloan is beyond corrupt, he is dangerous to all and he is using his police power to factually torture two wonderful human beings.
McPherson’s truthful and unbiased story just doesn’t fit into the corrupt Okanogan County game plan. Had the detectives and prosecutor acted on his information they would have had to drop their false charges. They couldn’t let this happen because it would have shown the citizens of Okanogan County that their Sheriff had lied to them on KREM 2 news. It would have shown the citizens that the detectives they employ concocted a false criminal case and it would show that their elected prosecutor had falsely charged two innocent people.
Prosecutor Sloan and Others Guilty of Federal Crimes – Title 18 Section 242
James Faire, who has not had competent counsel since his arrest, remains lodged in the Okanogan County Jail and Angela Nobilis still faces her not only false but ridiculous criminal charges.
At the very least, Prosecutor Karl Sloan and his brother, Detective Kreg Sloan (main case investigator) have both violated Title 18 Section 242. After reading the facts of this case, including the facts the police have produced, any prudent person will clearly see that the Sloan brothers have also violated Title 18 Section 241, in that they have had to conspire in this case.
Read the above laws, and you will see that the “shoe fits” the Sloan brothers perfectly.
Enough said.
Editor’s Note: The US~Observer has been informed that Richard Finegold’s father, Alvin Finegold of Bellevue WA and Michael Fritch of Loomis, CA have been communicating with Prosecutor Karl Sloan in attempts to promote the false charges against Faire and Nobilis. We are currently investigating both individuals and will soon report our findings to the public.
I wonder if Prosecutor Karl Sloan’s family is aware that he has an innocent man locked in a cell? Are his neighbors and associates aware? Do they know that Karl has ignored criminal acts and therefore protected people who have factually committed serious crimes – George Abrantes having committed attempted felony assault and Richard Finegold having committed the crime of filing a false police report. It has also been alleged that Finegold has committed theft of Faire and Nobilis’ personal property.
I assure Karl Sloan that his visions of grandeur, of wanting to become a judge will soon be only visions – forever. I also assure this conscienceless human being that everyone will know exactly what he is doing and what he has bought into before I’m through with my exposure. In other words, everyone will know the real Karl Sloan…
If you are disgusted by the factual abuse being perpetrated against James Faire and Angela Nobilis, call Prosecutor Karl Sloan at 509-422-7280 and let him know.
Be responsible – Anyone with information on this case (especially the Sloan brothers and Richard and Alvin Finegold) is urged to contact Edward Snook at 541-474-7885 or by email at editor@usobserver.com.
More detailed information and ways to materially and otherwise support James Faire are at the following Faire Fight Foundation sites:
Contact the Faire Fight Foundation if you would like to book a live presentation of this dramatic, fascinating case.