Due Diligence or Continued False Prosecution?
By US~Observer Staff

Okanogan County Prosecutor Arian Noma
Okanogan County, WA – On December 18, 2018 came the news that the newly sworn in Okanogan County Prosecutor, Arian Noma, filed a motion asking for a 60-day extension of time to file an appeal opposing Judge Culp’s dismissal of James Faire’s criminal charges. To local residents that have closely followed James Faire’s false prosecution, the news came as a shock, especially since Noma had been outspoken during the campaign regarding fairness in prosecutions – keeping citizens safe from false prosecution.
For the past 3½ years, the US~Observer has reported extensively on its in-depth investigation into James Faire’s false prosecution for the murder of Debra Long. It was a murder that by state statute was committed by another individual, George Abrantes, who violently attacked James and his wife Angela Nobilis-Faire in Tonasket, Washington, leaving them no other defensive option but to flee. It was then that Debra Long was struck and killed by the truck James Faire was driving, unbeknownst to Faire.
The Faire’s drove to a place that had cell coverage and called 911 to report being assaulted. It was then that responding officers arrested him and his wife for Long’s murder. Even though Angela was arrested for Long’s murder, she was never prosecuted for it, instead she faced a litany of lesser concocted crimes. James spent many months behind bars, without legal representation.
With vast amounts of evidence that explains and contradicts the “official” narrative, as well as documented violations by law enforcement, the US~Observer pushed hard to expose the original prosecutor Karl Sloan, whose brother was the lead detective, as nothing more than a cover-up man for his brother’s incompetent, and then corrupted investigation. It has been reported that it was the US~Observer’s coverage that lead to Sloan resigning from his position as the elected prosecutor.
Yet, with the appointment of Branden Platter as Sloan’s replacement, Faire’s false prosecution continued as did the cover-up. Thinking, perhaps, that he’d have an easier time selling lesser charges, Platter lowered the murder charge to ‘vehicular homicide.’
The US~Observer continued its coverage.
Then there was a break when a major mishandling of evidence by Detective Kreg Sloan was uncovered. It, along with other corrupt actions, were so “egregious” that Judge Christopher Culp put, what should have been, an end to the Faire case, dismissing it with prejudice.
It wasn’t long before Branden Platter, in his last days as Prosecutor of Okanogan County, filed his notice of intent to appeal Culp’s decision. Inevitably it would be left to his predecessor to continue this injustice.
And here we are, with what was Platter’s deadline looming, Noma filed for an extension to file the appeal. But, does that mean one will be filed?
Arian Noma will look at the very same set of facts that the US~Observer uncovered during the entirety of Faire’s false prosecution. Noma is certainly not unintelligent, and he isn’t covering up corruption like Karl Sloan and Branden Platter factually did, when they held the office. If Noma does the right thing, he will drop the appeal and apologize to the Faires for the suffering they have endured. Further, he will file charges against George Abrantes, investigate Kreg and Karl Sloan’s corruption and deal with that appropriately. Then, Arian Noma will move forward serving justice in Okanogan County, keeping his word to the voters who elected him.
Upon hearing that Noma filed the extension, Edward Snook, editor-in-chief of the US~Observer, surmised that Noma was just being diligent. “I think he’s doing what he was elected to do, and that is to be professional and go over the entirety of the case before he makes the call to file the appeal or not. He just gave himself 60 days for review.” Snook continued, “If Noma does what he promised the voters he would do, he will have a great career.”
Just what Noma’s intentions are is anyone’s guess. One thing is sure, if he moves to continue the abuse of the innocent James Faire, the US~Observer will be right there exposing it for what it is; a travesty of justice.