Bikers Receive Settlement
US~Observer and Bikers Both Win
By Edward Snook
Investigative Reporter

Stan Strange (left), Louie Pombo (top right), Glenn Seybold (bottom right)
Josephine County, OR – On November 30, 2009, a settlement was reached in Lane County, Oregon between plaintiffs Stan Strange, Glenn Seybold, Louie Pombo and the insurance companies representing defendants Eric Harris Hill, Samantha Pettigrew and Alexander Golden. The settlement concerned a civil lawsuit that the bikers filed on August 25, 2008.
The lawsuit claimed, “On or about August 27, 2006, defendant Hill was operating his vehicle close behind plaintiffs and tried to run plaintiffs off the road on Highway 199. When plaintiffs pulled over at a diner to call the police, defendant Hill stopped his car and plaintiff Strange was speaking with defendant Hill when defendant Hill rolled up the window of his car and caught plaintiffs arm in the window and then defendant Hill drove his vehicle, dragging plaintiff Strange along the roadway causing damages and injury to plaintiff Strange.”
During the May, 2008 criminal trial all three defendants gave different stories as they testified. They were all caught in their lies when two separate and independent eye witnesses told the jury what had actually occurred. The eye witness testimony matched the testimony of Strange, Seybold and Pombo.
The lawsuit continues, “Defendants tried to run the three plaintiffs off the road on Highway 199, and then all three defendants lied to the police, the district attorney and a jury about the facts of the incident and caused the three plaintiffs to be arrested and prosecuted for reckless driving and caused plaintiff Strange to be charged with assault as well. Upon trial of the matter, the jury, after hearing the false testimony of the defendants returned a verdict of acquittal for the plaintiffs after deliberating for less than 15 minutes.”
Josephine County, Oregon District Attorney Stephen Campbell was responsible for wasting thousands of tax dollars attempting to falsely prosecute the bikers back in May of 2008. The incident between the plaintiffs and defendants actually took place August 27, 2008. Campbell completely ignored conclusive evidence, exonerating Strange, Seybold and Pombo as he forced the expensive and frivolous criminal case to trial.
The dollar amount of the settlement won’t be disclosed due to terms of the settlement, but the US~Observer will disclose the fact that corrupted Lane County Judge Karsten Rasmussen warned the bikers not to talk about the settlement with anyone. Whatever amount the bikers received from the criminal college students who set them up on false criminal charges, it isn’t enough.
It should be noted that Josephine County District Attorney Stephen Campbell and his assistant Nick Tran (Tran actually conducted the attempted false prosecution at the direction of Stephen Campbell) were not sued due to completely vile immunity statutes that have been created by and for the real criminals in our society. They should have both been sued and if Americans still possessed one shred of justice in our troubled world they would have both been sent to prison.
It has been reported that Josephine County Assistant Prosecutor Nick Tran’s employment was terminated not too long after the “Biker Trial.” Tran reportedly went to work for a Josephine County law firm for a short time and he is now reportedly employed as a Jackson County Assistant District Attorney. Go figure…